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Disc Herniations and Chiropractic Care

September 28, 2022 by D&M Chiropractic and Thereapeutic Rehab, Inc.

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What is a subluxation? To put it simply, a subluxation is a term used by some chiropractors to describe a spinal vertebra that is out of position in comparison to the other vertebrae, resulting in functional loss and determining where the chiro should manipulate the spine. To be more specific, we will be focusing on disc herniations; what they are, how they happen, and how chiropractic can help. Most non-medical professionals have heard of herniated discs. They are common enough that most people have either experienced one (or more) or know someone who has. It is less often that the non-medical professional understands what is really going on behind the name, or how the problem is solved.

According to the Mayo Clinic, a herniated disc refers to a problem with one of the rubbery cushions or discs that sit between the bones (vertebrae) that stack to make your spine. A spinal disc has a soft, jellylike center, also called the nucleus, encased in a tougher, rubbery exterior (annulus). Sometimes called a slipped disc or a ruptured disc, a herniated disc occurs when some of the nucleus pushes out through a tear in the annulus. A herniated disc, which can occur in any part of the spine, most often occurs in the lower back. Depending on where the herniated disc is, it can result in pain, numbness, or weakness in an arm or leg.

Many people have no symptoms from a herniated disc. For people who do have symptoms, the symptoms tend to improve over time. Surgery is usually not necessary to relieve the problem. Chiropractic care on the other hand can be an extremely helpful and easy solution to caring for a herniated disc. While herniated discs can often heal with proper rest and selfcare, the addition of a reputable chiropractor can make all the difference in what that healing process looks like and the period in which it occurs. By contacting a phenomenal chiropractor, visiting, and setting up a care plan you are already one step ahead of the rest. It is amazing what a simple adjustment can do for your overall health.

Let us help you make that first step to bettering your health and wellness, as well as getting your pain under control. No-one should be living life in pain. Give our office a call today to get scheduled before the chilly weather hits this autumn season.