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Chiropractic Care for Seasonal Allergies

September 14, 2022 by D&M Chiropractic and Thereapeutic Rehab, Inc.

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Seasonal Allergies can be a silent menace for many, wreaking havoc on your immune system and sinuses. August, September, and October bring on much more than just the end of summer. The weather change can attribute to watery eyes, sniffling, and other allergic hay fever reactions. Ragweed pollen and other so-called “Hay Fever” make allergies heavy during these months. However, an allergic response is when your immune system is activated to fight against a substance that is usually considered harmless. Essentially, the allergic reaction is caused not by the substance itself but by how your body interprets that substance considering it poten­tially harmful. So, can chiropractic care help these seasonal allergy reactions?

Chiropractic treatments have been found to be very effective for relieving allergy symptoms and even stopping allergies at their source. Adjustments can help to reduce the severity of allergy symptoms as well as the frequency that they occur. The immune system is a huge part of why we experience seasonal allergy symptoms so hard. The chiropractic adjustment can help with the influx o histamines produced during allergy season. While we can not suggest that chiropractic care can be the primary treatment or absolute treatment plan of action to completely fight asthma or allergies, the addition of care can speed up and aid your symptoms much faster than without. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 19 million adults were diagnosed with seasonal allergies in the U.S., while 6.1 million children were reported to have seasonal allergies. Regular chiropractic treatments help your body become more balanced and better equipped to fight off allergens. When your spine is not aligned, this can impact your nervous system and immune system’s ability to communicate and function, potentially leading to a variety of health problems, including seasonal allergies.

At D&M Chiropractic, we’ve have had many patients over the years who have sought treatment for physical pain, such as back or neck pain, only to discover the bonus that their chiropractic treatments have on reducing or managing seasonal allergy symptoms. If you’re preparing your family for fall, schedule an appointment at our office today.